伝え方で”人望のある人”になろう! 「あの人の言葉は説得力がある」 「あの人の言うことなら聞きたい」 そん...
伝え方で”人望のある人”になろう! 「あの人の言葉は説得力がある」 「あの人の言うことなら聞きたい」 そん...
筋トレと読書と瞑想が人間力を高める!? 「人間力を高めたい」と悩んでいる人は多いはず! 「やりたいことがあるけど...
This is the way to increase NINGENRYOKU! The word NINGEN RYOKU ...
Miscarriage makes sense and there is a message from the baby! If you are suffering from infertility or miscarriage, "Why only ourselves?" "Why did the baby die?" "Did your baby go to heaven because you were wrong?" I suffer. But babies can certainly choose a mom.
Forgiveness has a tremendous effect! By acquiring the habit of forgiveness, your anger and depression will decrease! And self-affirmation also increases! In this blog, I will write about the experiences and useful information of the reading therapist TOMO, who overcame the bottom of my life by reading.